Saturday, March 10, 2007

When in Singapore, Visit Little India's Tekka Market

Little India in Singapore is one fascinating place. You will enjoy the energy here. Vivid colours of sarees, jasmine garlands and temple wares. Fresh tropical fruits aplenty. Indian cuisines at their best.

Take a walking tour to enjoy the sights. Begin at the Tekka Centre, also called the KK Market.

Many from all over Singapore flock here to buy their groceries. The meat, vegetables and fruits are among the freshest in Singapore. You find these stuff at the wet market on Level 1 of Tekka Centre.

Go up a flight of stairs and marvel at the colourful sarees on Level 2. You'd be surprised by the spell-binding colours of these traditional clothes.
Then, walk along the aisles till you come to a few interesting antiques-and-collectibles shops. They're worth a look. Perhaps you could find something nostalgic to take back.You'll wonder where these stuff come from, in modern urbanised Singapore.

When you're done browsing, don't forget to visit the food centre downstairs for a cup of masala tea (What's that? Milked tea with herbal infusion). The taste will linger and remind you of this fascinating place.
Allow yourself about half a day to browse, and walk the neighbouring side roads. You'll love it.
Would you like to find out more about Singapore's Little India and see more pictures of the place? Then you might want to visit my eTour Singapore website.


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